Salem Witch Roleplay Wiki

Welcome to the Salem Witch Roleplay Wiki![]

A wikia set up to outline the incredibly detailed group roleplay set up by the wonderful Kelsi, surrounding the descendants of the Salem Witch Trials.

The main characters of the roleplay are third generation witches after their ancestors bound their coven following the Salem Witch Trials. There are many different characters in the roleplay, white witches, dark witches, witch hunters, with more being added all the time! We are always looking for more people to join in on our fun so come in, kick off your shoes (unless they smell then leave them on), and take a look around.

Tumblr Page:


Ayden Balding
Bianca Jonston
Leo Banks

Adrian Kristoff
Grace Anders
Scott Anders
Rachel Stone
Calvin Robertson
Oliver Gardner
Darcy Baxter
Derek Matthews
Adalyn Blake
Evan Hart

Emmett Larson
Drake Larson
Isobel Larson
Diana Larson
Riley Larson
Casper Mars
Amber Wright
Ezra Watts
Alec Hawthorn
Sophie Hawthorn
Jason Rivers
Kaden Everett
Rose Beckett
Lana Crawford
Leah Romero
Mia Lawson
Conrad Larson
Alfie Mars

Belle LeClaire
James Despre
Marcos Raquet
Audrey Trudeau
Isaac Trudeau

Javier Renard
Emma Ryan
Noah Kendrick
Thomas Davis
Teddy Banks
Nate James
Micah Hale
Holden James


These are the people that you are free to contact if you run into any trouble on this page. :)

Note: When asking about avaliable characters, please direct the questions to Kelsi or Myka as they are the ones who run the tumblr page for this roleplay.


Bold Active
Italics Semi Active
Normal Inactive
Admin Job/Roles Contact Character
(emergency contact only)
Bebo Roleplay Wiki
Myka Founder, character information,
support, roleplay details.
NA Here Allison Darwin ,
Kimberly Michaels
Kelsi Admin, character information,
support, roleplay details.
NA Here Aria Kristoff
Grace Admin, formatting support, advice

bug fixer, html fixer, anything technical.

Here Here Grace Anders,
Evan Hart



Latest activity[]
